Amphibians in Ayrshire are a very unrecorded group, with maps showing a distinct lack of information for the area. We need your help to get our recording and find out how this group in doing in the local area. Ayrshire has a range of habitats that provide the perfect home for amphibians, but there has been no one recording them in the area.
Amphibians are very sensitive to environmental change and are therefore good indicators of the health of the environment. They respond to very slight changes in the environment and as such can be used to indicate ecosystem stress, habitat loss and impacts from human activity.
With so little knowledge of amphibians in Ayrshire, we could be missing out on key information about the health of our local environment.
Map derived from the NBN Atlas Scotland.
Map showing the distribution of the Palmate Newt in Ayrshire and the surrounding region. Data is displayed at a 2km square scale, with dark red squares showing records since the year 2000, and paler squares showing those which are before the year 2000.
As is shown from the map, there are very few records of Palmate Newt in Ayrshire, and this is true of all amphibians across the region. Ayrshire has an abundance of suitable habitat for amphibians, it is simply the case that very little recording has been done to date across the county.
Seen any amphibians? If so why not submit your record here and help put Ayrshire’s wildlife on the map!
SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475