The Rhins of Galloway are rich in wildlife, particularly around the varied coast. The wildlife records summarised below show some of the species that have been recorded in and around the Rhins since 2017. These are extracted from information entered onto the iRecord website – an online wildlife recording website and smartphone app. Click on the tabs above the map to see a list of the most commonly recorded species and photos of some of the wildlife that have been seen. Please note that some records for species listed below will be awaiting checking/verification on the iRecord system – the list will therefore be include records of species which are unconfirmed.
If you want to explore in more detail, you can also browse a map and table of records here.
SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475