Species of the Month: Currant Shoot Borer Lampronia capitella (April 2024)
The Currant Shoot Borer Lampronia capitella is a rare moth in the UK with only a handful of known sites. There is only one know Scottish site in the Scottish Borders near Peebles and it is entirely possible that more populations could be …
Species of the Month: Green Cellar Slug Limacus maculatusis (September 2024)
A familiar species of gardens, compost heaps and woodland debris it may come as a surprise that the Green Cellar Slug Limacus maculatusis is a non-native species. There is a very similar closely related species called the Yellow Cellar Slug Limacus flavus which, whilst it was …
Species of the Month: Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela campestris (May 2024)
The Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela campestris is a distinctive species of ground beetle, the commonest and most widespread of five species of tiger beetle found in the UK. They are approximately 10-15mm in length and are easily recognised by their iridescent …
Species of the Month: Orange Ladybird Halyzia sedecimguttata (December 2024)
Ladybirds hibernate during winter and often cluster communally in places relatively frost-free and with steady temperatures. It has become clear that many species have adapted well to the human environment with several using nooks and crevices in buildings. Perhaps surprisingly, …
Species of the Month: Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus (November 2024)
You may be surprised to see a butterfly for the species of the month in November. Until fairly recently this was one of our most difficult butterflies to record due to it spending most of its time at the top …
Species of the Month: Short-winged Conehead Erebia aethiops (August 2024)
The Short-winged Conehead Erebia aethiops is one of five species of native bush-cricket that have been found in SW Scotland. First recorded in SW Scotland in 2011, this species has since spread widely along the Dumfries & Galloway coast and is …
Species of the Month: Southern Hawker Aeshna cyanea (July 2024)
This large and colourful hawker dragonfly is a recent colonist to SW Scotland. It is superficially similar to other hawker dragonflies, but can be readily distinguished with a good view. Males are brightly coloured, the black body contrasting with paired …
Species of the Month: Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata (June 2024)
A streaky greyish-brown bird of woodland edge, parks and mature gardens. Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata are migrants, spending the winter months in Africa. They are typically one of the latest summer migrants to return to their breeding grounds, seldom appearing before mid-late …
Species of the Month: Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus (October 2024)
Autumn sees the return of migratory birds which breed in the subarctic regions and return to the relatively mild conditions of western Europe to spend the winter months. Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus are our largest regular migrant bird, and occur in internationally important …
Species of the Month: Wigeon Mareca penelope (January 2025)
The Wigeon Mareca penelope is a familiar duck that winters in the UK in important numbers. Most of these birds travel from Iceland, Scandinavia and Russia, and numbers usually peak in December and January. A small breeding population does exist in isolated well-vegetated …
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