Online recording form

Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisk *, selected fields can be locked to allow entry of successive records with the same details. See here for more information about our online recording system.

If you experience problems using this form please try our alternative online recording form.


Please add the recorder's name using the format "FirstName Surname"


Please complete if someone other than the recorder made the identification, otherwise leave blank


Start typing a species name - a lookup will appear to help you select a species from our species list. Click to select the appropriate species name.


Please select the date using the box, or enter a date in DD/MM/YYYY format


How was the record gathered? Most records are simply field observations, but you can select others from the dropdown list if appropriate.


Please give the name of the place the record was made. Ideally this should be a standard name as given on an Ordnance Survey map rather than a colloquial one.


Photographs are helpful in verifying that records have been identified correctly.

How many? For estimates, use ranges, 'c.' or '+' (e.g. 15-20, c.50 or 100+)

Choose the lifecycle stage of the species

The sex of the species, if known


This is the precision that the record will be shown at for public viewing

Data use license/data protection statement

By submitting information on this form you agree that it may be collated and disseminated, manually or electronically, including the Internet, for environmental decision-making, education, research and other public benefit uses. SWSEIC will retain your details in case we need more information about particularly important records. Your name will be entered on computer with the records to identify you as the contributor and to aid data management should you submit future records. Recorder names may be passed to third parties with the records to identify the source of the data in copies or extracts of the database carried out in accordance with the functions of the SWSEIC. No other personal details (e.g. address or contact details) will be divulged to third parties.

Data curated by SWSEIC are shared with the NBN Atlas under a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial license.

Website by Red Paint

SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475

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