SWSEIC Recording Group at Dalskairth, 27th July 2024
Out latest recording day was at Dalskairth, a site west of Dumfries, which is being managed for wildlife by the site owner. Eleven of us scoured the site and we recorded 234 species collectively. The day began a bit dreich but turned into a warm sunny day. Our moths traps had a good haul with the highlights being Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata, Four-dotted Footman Cybosia mesomella, Scalloped Hook-tip Falcaria lacertinaria and Northern Gray Scoparia ancipitella.
One notable find from the day was Hairy-stem Moth Ochsenheimeria taurella which is a first record for the species in Dumfries and Galloway. The lack of records is likely down to the fact the species does not appear to be attracted to light and thus has avoided the attention of our dedicated moth trappers.
Bob Merritt recorded a number of notable water invertebrates on the day including the relative newcomers Water Stick Insect Ranatra linearis and Saucer Bug Ilyocoris cimicoides and the nationally scarce water beetles Ilybius subaeneus and Rhantus frontalis.
Other notable finds on the day included Pygmy Shrew Sorex minutus, Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus, Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris and Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria.
If you are interested in joining our recording group you can do so here.