SWSEIC Recording Group at Craigengillan, 22 May 2024

A small group of recorders braved the unpromising weather forecast to visit the wonderful habitats of the Craigengillan Estate in East Ayrshire.

The overnight moth traps yielded a small catch (20 species recorded overall) but included some interesting species, in particular Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata, a species which has been expanding its range (first record for Scotland in Galloway in 2013) and which remains very rare in Ayrshire. Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus and Bank Vole Myodes glareolus were caught in the Longworth traps placed overnight.

With midges in the air (and in significant numbers!) the morning’s recording was challenging. Visits to woodlands, marsh and ponds yielded a range of plants and fungi. A few invertebrates were photographed or caught and identified, though conditions were not ideal for species to be on the wing. One excellent record was of a Variable Damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum, quite a scarce and localised species in SW Scotland and new to the site.

Sadly the forecast heavy rain appeared at lunchtime and the afternoon recording was washed out. Records of just over 170 species were recorded, with potentially a few more still to add from specimens gathered on the day.

If you are interested in joining our recording group you can do so here.

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SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475

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