

Provisional list of Ayrshire beetles published

Local beetle enthusiast Bruce Philp has spent lockdown very productively by pulling together a provision beetle list for Ayrshire (VC75), The list is available to download here – VC75 Ayrshire coleoptera checklist v1

Beetles include some families which are very tricky to identify and most groups are under-recorded due to the small pool of local recorders with specialist knowledge to identify many of them. We hope that the list will help existing and budding Coleoptera recorders to check the local status of their finds and help them to identify those with few local records which may require careful checking examination and/or retention of specimens.


Website by Red Paint

SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475

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