Introduction to Hoverfly Identification: 2 Day Workshop 24-25th March 2018

Ardeer Youth & Community Centre 23 Shore Road Stevenston KA20 3NB

The Where is Wildlife in Ayrshire? project is excited to work in partnership with leading Hoverfly experts Roger Morris and Stuart Ball to provide a 2 day training course on this fascinating invertebrate group.

Hoverflies include some of the most striking and fascinating members of the order Diptera – the true flies. However national recording scheme records show that Ayrshire is comparatively poorly recorded for this group, and has very few regular recorders.

The course is suitable for people who are unfamiliar with the species group who want to develop their skills.

The workshop has been designed to help everyone to become familiar with the key Hoverfly tribes and genra, overcome initial uncertainties and to gain confidence to allow development of skills in the field.

A mixture of taught and practical sessions will be undertaken to help the class to understand the more challenging aspects of hoverfly taxonomy and morphology. The course relies upon preserved material collected especially for training. All students have access to a microscope where we will work through specimens of the same species, making it possible for the group to be led through some of the more difficult elements of the keys.

The course is being run in partnership between the Where’s Wildlife in Ayrshire project and the Dipterists Forum with the aim of increasing Hoverfly recording and participation in the Hoverfly Recording Scheme.

The costs for this event are subsidised through our Where’s Wildlife in Ayrshire? project and includes a choice of complimentary ID materials.

Places are very limited so early booking is strongly recommended!

Book your place now at Eventbrite!

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SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475

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