CANCELLED FSC Millport Biology Symposium and Centre Open Afternoon

FSC Millport

FSC Millport will be hosting its 2nd marine research symposium on Saturday 31st March 2018. This will show-case marine and coastal ecological research, monitoring, surveys and conservation initiatives in the Firth of Clyde Area. In the afternoon, there will be a chance for visitors to see around the centre and engage in interactive demonstrations. We will finish the day by going to a local shore and conducting a Bioblitz.

Further information and booking details are available from th FSC Millport website.

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SUP is registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered address: The Southern Uplands Partnership, Studio 2, Lindean Mill, Galashiels, TD1 3PE. Company No. SC200827 / Charity No. SCO29475

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